Thursday, November 11, 2010

Critique on Student Editorial

I wrote my commentary on this student's editorial about political attack ads.   I completely agree with the point made.  You have to wonder what kind of clear thinking voter would hear an attack ad, believe it, and then vote based on the statements of the ad.  Wasting money on half-truth attack ads and ads that really don't say much make me wonder why anybody would donate to the candidate's campaign.  The candidates should simply state their case and why we should vote for them and let the media dig up the dirt.  Instead of retaliating, maybe the candidate should address the negative statements of the attack ad.  I wonder how many times these lame attack ads have worked against the candidate who paid for them.  If all a candidate airs is attack ads on his opponent and doesn't say anything about why we should vote for them, then I would be more inclined to vote for the candidate who stated why he deserves our vote and what he will do if elected (even though it may be a lot of empty promises).  It really should take more than political media ads for voters to make up their minds on who to cast their vote on, but I'm sure that some voters vote based solely on what they see on television.

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