Friday, October 15, 2010

Advantages of Perry

This is a critique of a commentary from the Burnt Orange Report titled "Rick Perry's Natural Advantage".  The commentary, written by Karl Thomas Musselman, was written Sunday October 10th 2010, at 4:33 PM.  The article mentions reasons why Rick Perry has an advantage over Bill White in the race for the governor's seat in Texas.  Since this article is on a liberal blog site, you would expect the intended audience to be liberal, which, to me, seems the case.  He defines Perry's advantages as "The Shrinking Media" and "Blissfull Ignorance.  I agree with his comments on "The Shrinking Media" to a point.  He puts a lot of importance in print media, such as newspapers, and seemingly discounts the reporting aspects of online resources such as blogs.  I don't see why a website couldn't publish long form articles in multi-part series to inform the public.  More and more people are moving from print media to electronic media.  Maybe it's time for some of the major print media sources to allocate more attention to an online format to transfer their ideas to a larger base of readers.  I do agree with the fact that since Texas is such a large state, it is hard to have a unified voice in the news.  What maybe headline news on the Gulf Coast, like a hurricane, could be just a flash in the pot on news stations out in West Texas, which probably would not be affected at all by a hurricane.  I believe online sites that report political news would have a much greater chance being a unifying news source since collaboration is possible from all over and the end product is posted in really just one spot,  the Internet.  The unifying news source being online also has faults such as lack of Internet in some areas, so unifying Texas news would be a very hard thing to do.  The author's second "advantage" for Rick Perry is "Blissful Ignorance".  I agree with this completely.  Most voters will listen to the ads on TV and believe them and vote accordingly with the candidate they like the most without much other thought.  It seems to me though that every political ad promoting growth and prosperity has some sort of back story.  There is even a reference in the blog to a commentary in the Austin American Statesman referencing my point. The reference mentions that Texas is the leader in job creation but it faces a massive budget shortfall.  Ads for Rick Perry recently have been praising Perry for the creation of jobs in Texas, but at what cost did these jobs come?  To some the answer may be in the form of layoffs, spending cuts and accounting tricks that will be considered next year to combat the state budget shortfall.  The author seems to be credible, graduating from UT and working on political campaigns, but he is strictly liberal.  I like to read articles and commentary from writers who are truly independent and present positive and negative facts for all candidates.  I believe the intent of the article is to shift the blame for Bill White's poor numbers in the pre election polls from the campaign itself, to media and uneducated voters, although, he does state that Bill White needs to educate voters and basically build a stronger campaign.

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