Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Border problems still need fixing Comment

I wrote my Blog stage 8 critique on the Lone Republic's "Border problems still need fixing" article.  There are plenty of reasons for a person to try and come to America illegally. In a perfect world, the process would be followed but as you know, this world, especially Mexico, is far from perfect. You said it, the process takes too long. There's not a system in place for most Mexican citizens to be able to care for family on a consistent basis. Their best solution is to come over to Texas and work illegally and send money back to Mexico. There are always employers looking to hire illegal immigrants because they can pay them less and feel less liable if an accident happened since the worker was undocumented. Who would they have to inform? I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the Mexican government to help out. They are probably part of the problem. I do agree with you that the process is in place and it should be followed. It's not easy to tell that to someone who needs money to feed their family now and not years later when he may become a citizen.